How much does oti cost to download?
Oti is free for users; as long as your hospital has signed up, you will simply need to request a password from your line manager. Hospitals will be responsible for licence fees; if you would like to know more about pricing plans, please get in touch!
do i have to upload all our current guidelines
It may seem like a huge task to correlate and upload all your guidelines. We suggest individual departments take responsibility for uploading current guidelines as PDFs directly to our portal. At Oti we are also able to format and upload your guidelines for you
how can i get oti in my hospital?
If you think Oti is something that you, your colleagues or anyone your hospital would benefit from then please do get in touch. You can use the contact form below, or let your line manager know about us and they can set up a meeting.
who is responsible for the guideline content?
At Oti we are able to send reminders when updates are due, format guidelines into a consistent template on your behalf and make suggestions for future guidelines. Responsibility for the production, publication and content however, remains with individual hospitals.
Will there be an android app?
An android app is currently in development, we hope to roll this out in summer 2021 to enable Oti to be accessible to everyone. You can expect the same great experience you’ve had with Oti for iOS when it arrives.
are guidelines confidential?
We have gone to great lengths to ensure that Oti is secure as possible; both the App and portal are password protected and all data is encrypted. Oti’s portal also allows lead users to see exactly who has access to each part of the system.